Privacy Statement Jansen’s Overseas BV
This is the privacy statement of Jansen’s Overseas in Noordwijkerhout. In this statement, we describe how we handle the personal information that we gather about you. These data are of course being gathered, processed, and used with the utmost care. In doing so, we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Implementation Act. This privacy statement can change without notice. We always publish the most recent version on our website.
The personal data gathered by us are being processed in order to provide services, dispatch offers, and to ensure the full execution of and compliance with agreements concluded with you. In addition, we will gather these data for the purpose of dispatching commercial newsletters and newsletters aimed at knowledge sharing.
Legal ground
We are allowed to gather, process, and use your personal data only if we have a legal basis for doing so. That legal basis can consist of an authorisation obtained from you, a statutory basis or one that can arise from the execution of and/or compliance with an agreement concluded with you.
Personal data and retention period
The personal data processed by us are the data minimally required for offering our services and products and pertain to the name of your company, the name of your contact person(s), your (e-mail) address, and your telephone number, as well those data that are needed to execute and comply with agreements concluded with you. Your personal data are being retained not longer than necessary, unless we are required to retain your personal data longer pursuant to statutory regulations.
We handle your personal data with due care. We have taken technical and organisational measures to prevent unauthorised access to those data, to ensure a suitable level of security. In view thereof, we have ensured security for our website, our IT systems, and the physical systems in which personal data are stored, while your personal data can be accessed only by authorised personnel.
Provision to third parties
We will provide personal data to third parties only when this arises from the execution of and compliance with agreements concluded with you, when you explicitly authorise us to do so or when we are required to do so by law.
Our website can contain measuring tools of other parties, such as cookies of Google Analytics. We do this to monitor how visitors use our website. We use that knowledge to optimise our website for our visitors.
Your rights
You have the right to request at all times your personal data retained by us. We will modify these data in accordance with your instructions if these data are inaccurate or have changed. Furthermore, you have at all times the right to have your data erased by us. You have to right to lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) if you believe that we are handling your data improperly.
If you still have questions about content or implementation after reading our privacy statement, you can contact us at:
Jansen’s Overseas BV
Schippersvaartweg 34
2211 TL Noordwijkerhout
Tel.: +31 (0)252-376541
Email: info@jansensoverseas.com